Tag lunch

Lunch at Edulis

It’s a warm Sunday afternoon – one of the few we’ve had this summer. Sunlight is streaking through the windows and bounces off the white walls of a simply decorated room. Chairs are filled with relaxed bodies and animated faces. The hum of convivial… Continue Reading →

Wayfare Tavern

Dear Tyler Florence, Though my visit was almost a year ago, the memory of your popovers lingers in my mind. They are fantastic; light, but so flavourful. I was very sad that I wasn’t able to fit another bite of anything in…. Continue Reading →


Barcelona, Spain. It’s Sunday and most places are closed. Luckily, it doesn’t mean you can’t eat well. Suculent, not far from La Rambla, is a fantastic tapas place. Simple dishes so rich in flavour. Highly recommended, Sunday or not!

Roasted Tomato Sauce

One of the great pleasures of summer is all the great produce that comes from nearby Ontario farms. We’re right in tomato season, and it seems everyone is knee-deep in this bountiful fruit. Here’s a quick and easy way to… Continue Reading →

Colette Grand Cafe

It’s rare that I feel more strongly about the decor than I do about the food, but at Colette Grand Cafe this is true. The space reminds of a home. A really, really, nicely appointed home.


Japanese and Peruvian is a mix that’s relatively unexplored. Not only are they separated by language and geography, but the bright acidic flavours of Peru are seemingly in conflict with the more subtle notes of Japanese cooking. How to achieve… Continue Reading →

A Better Beaujolais

It was May. The skies above were a a light blue, clear and bright. A soft breeze blew, cooling the warmth of the sun on my skin as I sat down under the shade of a tree. Normally at this… Continue Reading →

White Squirrel's New Nest

I do my white-collar toiling down by Queen & Bathurst most days and I’d been hankering after a place that could give me quick and tasty lunches. Now, that isn’t to say there aren’t a few places that fit the… Continue Reading →

Raijin Ramen

Raijin Ramen was the last of the full-on ramen shops to open these last few months. And it opened relatively quietly. So quietly, in fact, that I never have had to wait for a table, even after 6pm. This is… Continue Reading →

Santouka Ramen

Santouka opened with a lot of anticipation, and even a few days in to their soft opening, the lines were stretching out the door. To this day, waits are around 30 minutes or more. Despite the cold weather, many still… Continue Reading →

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