The Toronto Bakes for Japan event, a fundraiser for the Japan Red Cross Society, takes place at several locations across Toronto this weekend. Friend and fellow foodie, Taku had pinged me on twitter yesterday, prompting me to get up early and make a trip out to the Brickworks. Tables were laden with goodies from big-hearted bakers and (big-hearted) baker-bloggers alike. It’s an open donation (they suggest $5) with 100% of the proceeds going to the Japan Red Cross. I ran away with some awesome treats and a light heart. Here’s my haul and just a mere sampling of what was on offer.
Delicious and airy cream puffs from Taku. I ate these on the spot. Both of them. Really liked the custard cream. Smooth texture and nice vanilla taste.
I couldn’t resist these cute sumo guys on vanilla cupcakes. There were spice cupcakes as well, but decorated with sugar flowers. Clearly, the sumo dudes won that contest. Baked by Francisco (a.k.a. Crispier Crouton on Chowhound) and friends.
Cake pops: the next rage. I haven’t had one, so thought it was a good opportunity to try. No idea what flavour. But it was purple. I think this was from Cake Pop Shoppe. Not sure.
Chocolate Hazelnut Meringues from Bonita of Boneats.
Can’t wait to try these out. Really light and lovely. Crisp on the first bite, and then melts in your mouth. Had mine with some jasmine tea. Perfect.
Red Velvet Poppers. I think these are cake pops, minus the stick. Nevertheless, these truffle-sized treats are perfect for me to have just a taste. They’re a lot wetter than I’d imagined. An interesting experience indeed.
I wish that all the bakers had been able to put their names on their goods! Whomever you are, thanks for donating your time and effort to raise money for Japan – and for giving me an excuse to try new delicious things. And a quick shout-out to friend and artist Matt Moylan, who did the artwork for the poster. They wrapped up at the Brickworks at 1pm on Saturday, but don’t fret – the crazy amount of goods will be available tomorrow across the city as well. Check the map for your closest location.
[mappress mapid=”24″]
Ganbare Japan!
- Toronto Bakes For Japan website:
April 10, 2011 at 3:54 pm
My brother and I hope to get to them all over the weekend, today is Sunday and we have 3 more to get to and running out of time. Great cause!
April 11, 2011 at 3:27 pm
Ahh! The sumo cakes are so cute :D
April 11, 2011 at 11:07 pm
Erin > They are totally awesome. Really… couldn’t resist!